Strategic litigation to combat ethnic profiling in the European Union

This guide aims to provide practical guidance to legal practitioners, legal scholars, antidiscrimination experts and NGOs that work in the field of anti-racism,anti-discrimination,and ethnic profilingand that are not (efficiently) using strategic litigation (yet).

The guide is inspired by, and written on the basis of, PILP’s own experiences with strategic litigation on this topic. In February 2020, PILP has, together with a coalition of civil society organisations and two individual claimants, started legal proceedings against the Dutch Royal

When this guide was written, we were still awaiting the first court hearing. Since then, in February 2023, this case was won with a landslide ruling in appeal. Read more about this case here.

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PILP is de juridische bondgenoot die groepen mensen belangeloos steunt in hun strijd voor rechtvaardigheid. Dat doen we door het geven van juridisch advies en, wanneer het zinvol is, door naar de rechter te stappen.

In de huidige samenleving wordt ons werk helaas steeds belangrijker. Met uw bijdrage kunnen we meer groepen mensen juridisch bijstaan en meer zinvolle processen voeren. Zo zorgen we samen voor een meer rechtvaardige maatschappij voor iedereen.