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ING bank 3_CanPacSwire

Verdict: ING discriminates against customers based on their ethnicity in transaction checks

The National Institute on Human Rigths (NIHR) ruled on 25 July 2024 that ING discriminated in checks for terrorist financing. The bank wrongfully froze customers’ accounts and asked them extra questions about transactions solely because of their surname or the inclusion of a so-called “non-Dutch-sounding” name in the description. This particularly greatly affected people of […]

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KOZP and NLWB win objection case over Slochteren demonstration

Kick Out Zwarte Piet (KOZP) and Stichting Nederland Wordt Beter (NLWB) peacefully demonstrated on November 25, 2023 in Slochteren against the discriminatory parts of the Sinterklaas parade there. The mayor of Midden-Groningen had imposed several restrictions on this demonstration. The mayor had done so for fear of disorder. KOZP and NLWB found this fear unjustified […]

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1V woonwagen DH video still

Residential travellers of The Hague in the Volkskrant

Due to discriminatory caravan policies, Sinti, Roma and Travellers in The Hague sometimes have to wait a lifetime for a pitch, according to the Volkskrant. In the Volkskrant article, one of the residents also says that his caravan camp was declared unlivable years ago. It is more common for caravan camps to be located in […]

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Veenendaal municipality must provide documents on secret investigation to Taubah

The court finds in favour of Taubah Foundation and determines that the Municipality of Veenendaal must provide Taubah with various documents surrounding the secret investigation. This is because Taubah has made it sufficiently plausible that the municipality acted unlawfully towards it. The court rejected Taubah’s request to see the secret NTA report. According to the […]

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recht op water

Final: children in the Netherlands may no longer be cut off from drinking water due to landmark court ruling

For a large group of children in the Netherlands, the future looks brighter: from today, families with children may no longer be cut off from drinking water for good. This practice has been stopped by the court’s ruling in the lawsuit filed by Defence for Children Netherlands and the Dutch Legal Committee for Human Rights […]

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Ethnic profiling: the current situation in 2024

In February 2024, our clients sent a letter to the cabinet urging them to formally declare in writing that ethnic profiling is prohibited and to enforce this ban across all government organizations. This call comes a year after the Court of Appeal in The Hague affirmed that ethnic profiling constitutes discrimination and is therefore illegal. […]

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Interlocutory ruling on admissibility Foundation in proceedings over caravan sites in The Hague

On September 6, 2023, the District Court of The Hague issued an interlocutory judgment in the case of the Sinti, Roma and Travelers Foundation against the municipality of The Hague. The main goal has been achieved: the Foundation has been admitted to the proceedings and at the next hearing the case will be dealt with […]

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Climate movement wins lawsuit against Heerlen municipality: ‘the right to demonstrate is a great thing’

On Sept. 6, 2023, the Limburg District Court ruled that 3 of the 6 restrictions on the 2021 Klimaatalarm demonstration in Heerlen were unlawful. This is good news for the right to demonstrate. The case was brought by Klimaatcoalitie Parkstad and 6 national organizations of the Climate Crisis Coalition, including: Environmental Defense, Greenpeace, Code Red, […]

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Ruling in lawsuit: unions not admissible, but judge urges short-term clarity

In a summary judgment ruling today, the preliminary relief judge ruled that unions FNV and CNV are inadmissible in the lawsuit against the State to enforce financial relief for care workers with Long Covid. PILP is acting as attorney for union FNV in the case. The unions had sued the State in summary proceedings in […]

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Detail of a banner held by anti-arms trade activists during a demonstration outside the annual black-tie dinner of the Aerospace, Defence and Security Group at the Grosvenor House Hotel on Park Lane in London, England, on January 22, 2020. The ADS Group, a London-headquartered non-profit trade organisation, represents and supports more than 1,000 British businesses involved in the aerospace, defence, security and space sectors. The protest was called by the Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT) and Stop The Arms Fair pressure groups, citing in particular sales of UK-made weapons and ammunition to Saudi Arabia, which continues to strike Houthi rebels in Yemen in a five-year war that has killed over 100,000 people and left millions more suffering. (Photo by David Cliff/NurPhoto via Getty Images)

Judge acknowledges serious human rights violations Egypt, but still allows arms exports

The District Court of The Hague today, Tuesday, Nov. 23 2021, ruled in proceedings on arms exports to Egypt. The court found that the serious human rights situation in Egypt is “a given,” but that fact does not lead to a ruling that arms exports may no longer take place. The plaintiffs, a coalition of […]

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