Active files

Right to water

Netherlands disconnects water from children’s homes In 2016, the Netherlands disconnected households’ water 7,500 times for non-payment, following a peak of more than 10,000 disconnections in 2015. Water companies do not check whether they also shut off children, but this does happen. Because their parents did not pay the bills, children do not have access […]

Discrimination by banks

Muslims and people with names seen as “foreign” are being discriminated against by banks. PILP and started proceedings at the Human Rights Board on February 29, 2024, for and with three citizens who feel discriminated against by their banks.

Right to protest

The right to protest is enshrined in international treaties, the Dutch Constitution and other legislation. PILP is committed to defending and entrenching this fundamental right in the Netherlands.

Ethnic profiling

Ethnic profiling involves the police checking people (partly) on the basis of their ethnicity without objective justification. Ethnic profiling leads to an impermissible form of discrimination and thus violates international human rights treaties.

Travellers’ extinction policy

Roma, Sinti and travellers are the most disadvantaged and discriminated against population groups in Europe, according to the European Court of Human Rights. They have the right to live in a caravan, but there are not enough sites in the Netherlands due to years of active government policy. The waiting time for a pitch is […]

Islamophobia en surveillance

In October 2021, NRC revealed that at least 10 Dutch municipalities had ordered covert investigations into mosques and Islamic organisations in their cities. With money provided by the NCTV, they hired a private research agency, NTA, whose staff observed mosques without making themselves known.

Long Covid at healthcare workers

In March 2020, the first lockdown in the Netherlands was announced. Among others, the hospitality industry, schools and daycare centers were closed. Already in the first few months of this lockdown, tens of thousands of corona infections were detected. The pressure on healthcare rose enormously, and workers from across the healthcare sector had to work […]


In 2015, the Amsterdam municipality launched the ‘Top400’, a crime prevention programme through which the municipality and chain partners structurally intervene in the lives of children and young adults. The Top400 follows 2011’s Top600, which focuses on young people previously convicted of a crime.

The right to housing

Housing and access to housing are important and topical issues in the Netherlands. Homelessness has doubled in 10 years, young people are forced to live with their parents for a long time, waiting lists for social housing are growing rapidly, and buying a house is not an option for most people because of rapidly rising house prices. The government has a duty to make housing a reality for everyone.

System Risk Indication (SyRI)

SyRI is a risk profiling system, used by the Dutch government, that linked and analysed large amounts of citizens’ personal data. The way the government used SyRI to deploy large amounts of data against its citizens was unprecedented, undemocratic and had serious human rights concerns.


Over 4,000 stateless people live in the Netherlands, recognised as such by the government. In addition, there are over 80,000 more people in the Netherlands who are registered as ‘nationality unknown’. However, in the Netherlands, we lack a procedure to legally establish statelessness, so the step to established statelessness cannot be made. This creates many problems. For instance, they do not claim the Statelessness Conventions, as these only apply to recognised stateless persons.

Big Tech platforms

The current online communication ecosystem is characterised by some very dominant Big Tech platforms and a tracking-based advertising industry that have their own agenda. This makes it harder for citizens, activists and civil society organisations to make their voices heard, hold authorities accountable and develop bold ideas. Freedom of communication is therefore under pressure, including in the Netherlands.

Climate change

Climate change is currently at the center of many public discussions. Following the Paris Agreement, the government must make efforts to limit global warming. In the Urgenda case, the court ruled in 2018 that the State must fulfill the environmental agreements in international treaties, including by reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 25% by […]


Hardening integration policies The integration policies of European member states, including the Netherlands, have become increasingly strict in the last two decades. Migrants have to meet more and higher integration requirements before they are granted a residence permit. Family reunification of migrants of non-European origin is therefore becoming increasingly difficult. In her dissertation Conditional Belonging […]

Bill for the Intelligence and Security Services Act (Wiv)

Intelligence and security services are allowed to intercept the communications of large groups of people without those people being suspected of anything. The services can exchange this data, without looking at it first, with foreign services. These are far-reaching powers that seriously infringe on the privacy of large groups of people. The draft bill ‘Intelligence and Security Services Act’ (Wiv) was drafted to replace the Wiv 2002 and was published and opened for internet consultation on 2 July 2015.

Our files


‘Not Pregnant For Now’ – project

With GGD’s Now Not Pregnant project, “vulnerable women” are actively approached by social workers to talk about their desire to have children. The program only aims to help women who do not want to become pregnant by providing contraception such as the “shot pill. Vulnerable women, in the context of this project, are women with […]

Leave of absense

Leave to appeal criminal cases Not all criminal cases can be appealed in the Netherlands. This is due to the so-called leave system. The Court of Appeal may, in the case of relatively minor offenses in which no more than 500 euros fine has been imposed, decide not to allow an appeal. This is stipulated […]

Arms export

Arms exports from the Netherlands The Netherlands is number 11 on the list of major arms exporters. About 1 billion worth of arms export licenses are issued annually, some of which are for delivery to conflict areas or countries with problematic human rights situations. In the past, for example, supplies have been made to Saudi […]

The Telecommunications Retention Act

Legal Action Against Retention Long-term recording of telecommunications data of everyone, without concrete suspicion, violates the fundamental right to privacy. So ruled the European Court of Justice, which on April 8, 2014, declared the European Data Retention Directive (2006/24/EC) invalid in its entirety and with retroactive effect. In the Netherlands, regulations in this area, based […]

Terrorist Wing (TA)

Terrorist ward in violation of human rights In the Netherlands, adult and juvenile men and women convicted of a terrorist crime are automatically placed in the Terrorist Ward (TA) of the Penitentiary Institution. The regime at the TA is very strict: for example, detainees must sit in their cells 22 hours a day and are […]

Lifelong imprisonment

Life imprisonment is really life imprisonment The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) recently ruled that under certain circumstances a life sentence may violate Article 3 European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR): where there is no right to a judicial review of the sentence and no mechanism to allow this, and where there is no […]

Trains without restrooms

UN Convention on Disability On December 13, 2006, the United Nations adopted the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN Convention). This international human rights treaty aims to promote, protect and ensure the human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons with disabilities. The Convention is innovative because it elaborates and concretizes existing human […]

Student mothers

Discrimination against student mothers In the mbo, 50% of student mothers and pregnant students drop out during their studies and in the hbo and wo this is 75%. Studying mothers and pregnant students run a high risk of delaying and/or dropping out during their studies, which is often accompanied by study debt. The Minister of […]

Sexism and CEDAW

Sexism and the CEDAW Recently, the issue of sexism has gained more attention. Sexism means discriminating on the basis of gender. The Dutch State must take appropriate measures to eliminate prejudice of inferiority based on gender under Article 5(a) of the UN Women’s Rights Convention (CEDAW). Sexism in advertising according to UN Women’s Rights Committee […]

Interpreting in health care

No reimbursement for interpreters Since 2012, interpreters in health care are no longer reimbursed. This means that healthcare providers can provide less quality care to people who do not speak the Dutch language well. This is worrisome. How should an obstetrician explain to a patient what a breech presentation is? How can a woman tell […]

Solitary confinement in immigration detention

Immigration detention in the Netherlands Migrants who do not or no longer have a valid residence permit (“undocumented migrants”) must leave the country of their own accord under Dutch law. If they do not, their stay in the Netherlands is illegal, and they can be deported from the country. To keep people available for deportation, […]

Refugee children Almelo

Support procedure asylum children Almelo In 2015, the family shelter in Almelo threatened to be closed. This would mean that all the families living there would have to move to other centers spread throughout the Netherlands. Children in Asylum Seekers Centers already have to move so often, which is bad for them. Also, the children […]

Afghans and the 1F procedure

The Afghan 1Fs and access to the Court of Justice Several hundred Afghans in the Netherlands belong to the so-called 1F’ers. They are suspected of war crimes for allegedly working for the Afghan secret service in the 1980s and 1990s. The crimes of which these asylum seekers are suspected are set forth in Article 1F […]

Facebook and EU Privacy law

Letter addressed to Facebook Inc. PILP, together with Stichting Privacy First, Bits of Freedom and the Platform for the Protection of Civil Rights and two citizens, has sent a letter to Facebook in which we demand to stop the data transfer to the United States. This is partly in response to the ruling by the […]

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analyse report research residence permit right to protest students
September 2, 2024 Right to protest

Analysis: Consequences of participating in protests for residence permits of students and staff

Everyone has the right to protest. International students and employees at educational institutions in the Netherlands also have this right, regardless of their residence status. PILP has received many questions about whether and how participation in a demonstration can affect the residence permits of international students and employees at educational institutions. In this analysis, PILP […]

bezwaar climate change demonstratierecht
July 30, 2024 Right to protest

Climate activists Twente object to restrictions on their right to demonstrate in Hengelo

Four climate activists affiliated with Extinction Rebellion Twente planned to demonstrate in Hengelo on May 25, 2024. The demonstration was supposed to have been a small demonstration on the climate crisis, calling on the public to participate in follow-up actions and activities around climate justice. The mayor of Hengelo imposed as many as 10 restrictions […]

Human Rights Board verdict
July 25, 2024 Discrimination by banks

Verdict: ING discriminates against customers based on their ethnicity in transaction checks

The National Institute on Human Rigths (NIHR) ruled on 25 July 2024 that ING discriminated in checks for terrorist financing. The bank wrongfully froze customers’ accounts and asked them extra questions about transactions solely because of their surname or the inclusion of a so-called “non-Dutch-sounding” name in the description. This particularly greatly affected people of […]


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