Children’s Ombudsman and UN rapporteur call on Netherlands to stop cutting off water to families with children

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April 6, 2022
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The Children’s Ombudsman and the UN Special Rapporteur on water and sanitation called on Nieuwsuur to stop cutting off households with children from water. After all, access to water is a fundamental children’s right.

“Children need water, not just for hygiene and food. Children also need water to participate socially”, said Children’s Ombudsman Margrite Kalverboer.

Pedro Arrojo-Agudo is the Special Rapporteur on behalf of the United Nations on water and sanitation. He monitors and addresses countries on the human right to water.

From the first day I took office at the United Nations, I have insisted that water shutoffs be avoided for all families living in poverty. It is necessary for society to guarantee a minimum amount of water by considering it a human right”, said Pedro Arrojo-Agudo.

The NJCM and Defense for Children launched a lawsuit against the State and drinking water companies Dunea and PWN in 2020. Lawyers from PILP and de Brauw are assisting the plaintiffs in these proceedings. In it, they ask the court to prohibit water shutoffs in households with children. On April 6, 2022, the Hague District Court ruled that it is not necessarily unlawful for families with children to be cut off from drinking water when parents cannot pay the water bill. This ruling was appealed.

Nice to see that our lawsuit and the underlying documents and arguments were able to contribute to the appeal of the Children’s Ombudsman and the UN rapporteur on water and sanitation. If answered, this call would be a great development for children in the Netherlands.

We are following developments with interest. Read more about the right to water and the proceedings against the State and the water companies here.


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