Currently Browsing: SyRi

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Case won: SyRI disabled

The plaintiffs and their lawyers in the SyRI case Today the court in The Hague ruled on the government’s use of the algorithm system SyRI (System Risk Indication). The judge ruled that the government must stop profiling citizens with large-scale data analysis to detect social security fraud. The Dutch are no longer “a priori suspects. […]

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State waives appeal in SyRI case

On April 23, 2020, the State Secretary of Social Affairs and Employment informed the House of Representatives that he would not appeal the verdict of the District Court of The Hague of February 5, 2020 on the System Risk Indication (SyRI). The court ruled that SyRI violates the European Convention on Human Rights. Here, according […]

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Court hearing against risk profiling of Dutch citizens by SyRI

On Tuesday, October 29, 2019 at 9:30 a.m. in the District Court of The Hague, the hearing against the Dutch State in the proceedings on the merits regarding the System Risk Indication (SyRI) will take place. SyRI profiles citizens to find out about possible risks of fraud and vets entire neighborhoods using secret algorithms. According […]

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