Currently Browsing: Connection Long Covid bij zorgmedewerkers


Long Covid – summary proceedings

Unions FNV and CNV are deeply concerned about the financial situation of workers in the Netherlands struggling with Long Covid complaints. The FNV and CNV are taking legal action.

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Ruling in lawsuit: unions not admissible, but judge urges short-term clarity

In a summary judgment ruling today, the preliminary relief judge ruled that unions FNV and CNV are inadmissible in the lawsuit against the State to enforce financial relief for care workers with Long Covid. PILP is acting as attorney for union FNV in the case. The unions had sued the State in summary proceedings in […]

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PILP assists FNV in summary proceedings over long covid scheme for healthcare workers.

PILP assists FNV in summary proceedings over long covid scheme for healthcare workers Trade unions FNV and CNV today sent a summary summons. The unions are demanding that the government financially compensate healthcare workers who have been disabled due to long covid disease in the short term. To this day, the government refuses to provide […]

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Hearing in lawsuit over Long Covid settlement for healthcare workers

In early 2023, unions FNV and CNV filed a lawsuit against the state to force financial relief for healthcare workers with Long Covid. PILP is acting as attorney for union FNV in this case. On Friday, Feb. 17, 2023, at noon, the hearing will take place at the District Court of The Hague. The hearing […]

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Unions FNV and CNV request State one more time to settle for healthcare workers with Long Covid

On Friday, September 9, 2022, PILP, in collaboration with Van der Woude de Graaf Advocaten, Brandmeester Advocaten and Höcker Advocaten, will send a letter to the State on behalf of clients FNV and CNV. The FNV and CNV unions are very concerned about the situation of workers in the Netherlands who are struggling with Long […]

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Long Covid at healthcare workers

In March 2020, the first lockdown in the Netherlands was announced. Among others, the hospitality industry, schools and daycare centers were closed. Already in the first few months of this lockdown, tens of thousands of corona infections were detected. The pressure on healthcare rose enormously, and workers from across the healthcare sector had to work […]

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