Discrimination by banks

Discrimination by banks

Muslims and people with names that are considered “foreign” are increasingly faced with discriminatory treatment from their banks as a result of checks performed under the Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Act (WWFT). Not only people’s personal name may get them flagged under the WWFT, also the name of the receiving party or the mentioning of a certain name in the description of the transaction may cause this.

People selected for checks under the WWFT have to answer detailed (personal) questions, are banned from opening a bank account, or existing accounts or transactions are blocked. Selecting people solely on the basis of a “foreign sounding name” can not only have far reaching consequences, it is also negligent and stigmatizing.

The National Coordinator against Discrimination and Racism has underlined this worrying trend, and organisations such as Discriminatie.nl and Muslim Rights Watch Netherlands receive complaints regarding this stigamatising practice frequently.


PILP can only support groups such as (advocacy) organisations, coalitions and communities. Therefore, unfortunately, PILP cannot provide legal support to individuals outside our ongoing cases.

People who are faced with checks from their bank under the WWFT and who suspect stigmatizing or discriminatory factors are involved can report their case via Discriminatie.nl or call for free at 0800 0880. Reporting helps to tackle discrimination.

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