Arms export

Arms export

Arms exports from the Netherlands

The Netherlands is number 11 on the list of major arms exporters. About 1 billion worth of arms export licenses are issued annually, some of which are for delivery to conflict areas or countries with problematic human rights situations. In the past, for example, supplies have been made to Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Pakistan.

Export of arms may only take place with a special export license from the government. This license is granted by the Minister of Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation (BHOS) and the Minister of Foreign Affairs (BZ). The European Common Position on Arms Exports and the UN Arms Trade Treaty play an important role in assessing permit applications. According to these international rules, conflict situations and human rights violations in the country of destination must be taken into account.

Arms exports from the Netherlands to Egypt

One of the countries to which the Netherlands exports arms in 2021 is Egypt. Serious human rights violations take place in Egypt, such as executions of prisoners, heavy-handed suppression of protests and persecution of human rights defenders. The Egyptian regime also conducts extensive military operations against its own civilian population in North Sinai. Egypt is a military dictatorship, and the military plays an important role in human rights violations.

The Dutch government recognizes the seriousness of the human rights situation in Egypt, but believes that the Egyptian navy is not involved. Therefore, the minister does grant export licenses on behalf of the Egyptian Navy. According to the NJCM, PAX and Stop Arms Trade, however, there should be no arms exports to Egypt at all. Together with PILP, they have conducted several legal proceedings about arms exports to Egypt.


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