Currently Browsing: laura


Cassation at Supreme Court Afghan 1F case unfortunately lost

In 2014, PILP organized a brainstorming session with lawyers who have dealt with the issue of the Afghan 1F, NJCM members and the 1F Foundation. Attorney Eertink came up with the plan to conduct proceedings to come out to the Court of Justice on this issue. This can normally only be done through preliminary questions, […]

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Dutch state and water companies in court: stop water shutoffs for children

Defense for Children and the Dutch Lawyers Committee for Human Rights are taking the Dutch state and public water companies Dunea and PWN to court. In the Netherlands, families with children are disconnected from water if the parents have not paid the water bill. This violates children’s rights and human rights enshrined in the UN […]

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Court upholds appeal of Code Red over demonstration against Shell

Code Red appealed the decision that a maximum of 30 people could demonstrate at Shell’s headquarters on May 19, 2020. The court has now upheld Code Red’s appeal. The court considered that limiting all demonstrations to a maximum of thirty people was at odds with the Public Demonstrations Act. According to the court, while such […]

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State waives appeal in SyRI case

On April 23, 2020, the State Secretary of Social Affairs and Employment informed the House of Representatives that he would not appeal the verdict of the District Court of The Hague of February 5, 2020 on the System Risk Indication (SyRI). The court ruled that SyRI violates the European Convention on Human Rights. Here, according […]

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etnisch profileren marechaussee

Royal Marechaussee taken to court for ethnic profiling

Wednesday, Feb. 26, 2020, the Dutch state will be subpoenaed for ethnic profiling by the Royal Military Police. The plaintiffs – two individual citizens, Amnesty International, Control Alt Delete, anti-discrimination agency RADAR and PILP – are asking the court to draw a line and end discriminatory border controls. The Royal Military Police is acting in […]

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etnisch profileren marechaussee

Royal Marechaussee taken to court for ethnic profiling

Wednesday, Feb. 26, 2020, the Dutch state will be subpoenaed for ethnic profiling by the Royal Military Police. The plaintiffs – two individual citizens, Amnesty International, Control Alt Delete, anti-discrimination agency RADAR and PILP – are asking the court to draw a line and end discriminatory border controls. The Royal Military Police is acting in […]

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Proceedings won: government modifies controversial ‘Now Not Pregnant’ project

The Dutch government has imposed new obligations on the ‘Nu Niet Zwanger’ project. These obligations largely meet the demands of Bureau Clara Wichmann and the NJCM. With the GGD’s Nu Niet Zwanger project, “vulnerable people” (in practice, mostly women) are actively approached by social workers to talk about their desire to have children. The program […]

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Court hearing against risk profiling of Dutch citizens by SyRI

On Tuesday, October 29, 2019 at 9:30 a.m. in the District Court of The Hague, the hearing against the Dutch State in the proceedings on the merits regarding the System Risk Indication (SyRI) will take place. SyRI profiles citizens to find out about possible risks of fraud and vets entire neighborhoods using secret algorithms. According […]

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Bangladeshi woman wins lawsuit over integration exam

An illiterate Bangladeshi woman whose family reunification application was rejected was vindicated by the Hague District Court on May 20, 2019, in her lawsuit against the government. Self-study packages The government developed special self-study packages, which enable citizenship candidates to prepare for the integration exam while abroad. According to the government, the woman neither passed […]

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Fossielvrij Onderwijs and PILP file complaint against Shell’s misleading advertising

Op 2 mei 2019 heeft Fossielvrij Onderwijs, ondersteund door PILP, een klacht ingediend tegen Shell bij de Reclame Code Commissie. The complaint was about Shell’s advertising at the Generation Discover Festival, an event for elementary and junior high school children. The complaint alleges that Shell misrepresented GTL Fuel – liquefied natural gas – by touting […]

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