Currently Browsing: Woonbond

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Dutch ‘Woonbond’ responds in lawsuit over excessive rents

The Woonbond is a Dutch organisation, standing up for the rights and interests of tenants in the Netherlands.  In March 2024, the Woonbond, supported by lawyers from PILP, joined a lawsuit filed by private landlords against the Dutch State. These landlords, united in the Fair Rent for Landlords Foundation (hereinafter ‘Fair Rent’), sued the State […]

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Housing Netherlands

Woonbond admitted in lawsuit over excessive rents due to WOZ value

The Woonbond (‘Tenant Union’) intervenes in the lawsuit of landlords against the State regarding the “WOZ-cap”. Today, the court in The Hague has ruled that the Woonbond’s intervention in this case is allowed. The court determines that tenants and prospective home seekers in the Netherlands will experience consequences of rising rental prices if the WOZ-cap […]

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