Currently Browsing: verdict


PILP wins lawsuit over right to demonstrate

The Council of State has ruled in favor of Amnesty International and others in a case of principle against the municipality of Maastricht. At the heart of the case was the question of whether municipalities may require that organizers of demonstrations hire their own certified traffic controllers. The Council of State ruled that this is […]

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etnisch profileren uitspraak

Court allows ethnic profiling

This morning, the District Court of The Hague handed down its judgment in the case that PILP, together with Houthoff, filed on behalf of a coalition of civil society organizations and two nonwhite citizens against the Royal Military Police about ethnic profiling during MTV (Mobile Surveillance Security) checks. The court ruled that ethnicity may be […]

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Case won: UN Human Rights Committee condemns Netherlands for violations around statelessness

On December 28, 2020, the UN Human Rights Committee issued a landmark ruling in the case of PILP and the Open Society Justice Initiative (OSJI) against the Netherlands regarding a child of unknown nationality, statelessness and the lack of a statelessness recognition procedure in the Netherlands. We will soon issue a press release from our […]

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syri zaak gewonnen

Case won: SyRI disabled

The plaintiffs and their lawyers in the SyRI case Today the court in The Hague ruled on the government’s use of the algorithm system SyRI (System Risk Indication). The judge ruled that the government must stop profiling citizens with large-scale data analysis to detect social security fraud. The Dutch are no longer “a priori suspects. […]

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State waives appeal in SyRI case

On April 23, 2020, the State Secretary of Social Affairs and Employment informed the House of Representatives that he would not appeal the verdict of the District Court of The Hague of February 5, 2020 on the System Risk Indication (SyRI). The court ruled that SyRI violates the European Convention on Human Rights. Here, according […]

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June 7, 2018 summary judgment on Wiv implementation: claims dismissed

Today the judge issued a ruling in the summary proceedings brought by a coalition of lawyers, journalists, NGOs, IT companies and tech companies against the State over the Intelligence and Security Services Act (Wiv). The court (in its preliminary opinion) does not find the law to be decidedly non-binding. The coalition started this case because […]

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Appeal of demonstration law Hague won

In an important case on the right to demonstrate, the State Council upheld the appeal. The case involved a 2017 announced demonstration in The Hague by citizens who wanted to organize a short symbolic hunger strike in front of the Moroccan embassy. This in solidarity with Moroccan human rights activists. The organizers of the action […]

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