Currently Browsing: right to housing


Dutch court: The Hague discriminates against Roma, Sinti and Travellers and must realise more caravan sites

Today, on May 5 2024, the District Court of The Hague ruled that the municipality of The Hague racially discriminates against Roma, Sinti and Travellers. There are not enough caravan sites and the municipality has not built a single new site for 25 years. This constitutes a human rights violation. The verdict puts an end […]

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Dutch ‘Woonbond’ responds in lawsuit over excessive rents

The Woonbond is a Dutch organisation, standing up for the rights and interests of tenants in the Netherlands.  In March 2024, the Woonbond, supported by lawyers from PILP, joined a lawsuit filed by private landlords against the Dutch State. These landlords, united in the Fair Rent for Landlords Foundation (hereinafter ‘Fair Rent’), sued the State […]

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MiGreat and Breakthrough file complaint with Ombudsman: ‘Taking tents away from people in need outrageous’

February 2, 2023. MiGreat and Doorbraak, supported by lawyers from PILP, filed a complaint with the National Ombudsman about the taking away of tents from people who had no other form of shelter and were forced to sleep outside at the application center in Ter Apel. Late summer 2022, hundreds of people, who wanted and […]

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Opinion piece in NRC: ‘Housing is a right, keep calling it that’

On October 15, 2021, an opinion piece by Rosa Beets (PILP) and Jan de Vries (the Shift) appeared in NRC. In it, they argue that it is time to recognize that the housing crisis is also a human rights violation. Therefore, they say, it is right for the housing movement to put the right to […]

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Amicus curiae by PILP on right to housing in lawsuits Two Woods neighborhood

PILP filed an amicus curiae, or opinion letter, with the Hague Court of Appeals. The letter addresses the application of the right to housing in lawsuits over evictions in Rotterdam’s Tweebos neighborhood. The letter explains what the right to housing means and how this human right permeates the Dutch legal system. It is important, according […]

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Human Rights Board: central government discriminates against caravan dwellers

With its Judgment of May 1, 2017, the Human Rights Board ruled that the central government discriminates against caravan dwellers. In this case, PILP’s intervention played an important role. The case involved a complaint by a group of caravan dwellers about the Handbook the central government issued to municipalities in 2006. Indeed, with the decentralization […]

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