Currently Browsing: Raad van State


PILP wins lawsuit over right to demonstrate

The Council of State has ruled in favor of Amnesty International and others in a case of principle against the municipality of Maastricht. At the heart of the case was the question of whether municipalities may require that organizers of demonstrations hire their own certified traffic controllers. The Council of State ruled that this is […]

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Cassation at Supreme Court Afghan 1F case unfortunately lost

In 2014, PILP organized a brainstorming session with lawyers who have dealt with the issue of the Afghan 1F, NJCM members and the 1F Foundation. Attorney Eertink came up with the plan to conduct proceedings to come out to the Court of Justice on this issue. This can normally only be done through preliminary questions, […]

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Appeal of demonstration law Hague won

In an important case on the right to demonstrate, the State Council upheld the appeal. The case involved a 2017 announced demonstration in The Hague by citizens who wanted to organize a short symbolic hunger strike in front of the Moroccan embassy. This in solidarity with Moroccan human rights activists. The organizers of the action […]

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