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Residential travellers of The Hague in the Volkskrant

Due to discriminatory caravan policies, Sinti, Roma and Travellers in The Hague sometimes have to wait a lifetime for a pitch, according to the Volkskrant. In the Volkskrant article, one of the residents also says that his caravan camp was declared unlivable years ago. It is more common for caravan camps to be located in […]

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PILP joins EU-Watchdog Liberties

PILP strengthens the European network of rights defenders through strategic litigation. PILP will join the Civil Liberties Union for Europe (Liberties) as a new member organisation as of 1 January 2024; the move was approved at Liberties’ annual general assembly meeting. “We are excited to join the Liberties network as PILP. We look forward to […]

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Interview Merel Hendrickx on Ethnic profiling at MTV checks

On March 15, 2022, Merel Hendrickx, lawyer for PILP, was interviewed about MTV checks. The District Court of The Hague ruled on September 22 that the KMar may select travelers partly on the basis of ethnicity. According to the court, this does not constitute discrimination. Nevertheless, in November the KMar announced that it would stop […]

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human rights

Podcast from the Correspondent on the PILP

Project coordinator of the PILP, Jelle Klaas, was recently interviewed by the Correspondent. On the Rudi & Freddie Show, he spoke about (socioeconomic) human rights, the rights of undocumented workers in the Netherlands, strategic litigation for human rights and PILP. It also discussed how the right to demonstrate is increasingly curtailed, and how human rights […]

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