Currently Browsing: migration


MiGreat and Breakthrough file complaint with Ombudsman: ‘Taking tents away from people in need outrageous’

February 2, 2023. MiGreat and Doorbraak, supported by lawyers from PILP, filed a complaint with the National Ombudsman about the taking away of tents from people who had no other form of shelter and were forced to sleep outside at the application center in Ter Apel. Late summer 2022, hundreds of people, who wanted and […]

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PILP files complaint for aid agencies over confiscation of tents near Ter Apel

PILP has filed a complaint for aid organizations MiGreat and Doorbraak about (ordering) the taking away of tents from people who were forced to sleep outside at application center Ter Apel. According to the organizations, taking away tents from people who are forced to sleep outside, because there is no shelter for them, violates human […]

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PILP sends summons letter in connection with tent ban Ter Apel

On Friday, Sept. 9, 2022, PILP, on behalf of client MiGreat Foundation, sent a summons letter regarding the tent ban in Ter Apel. In the letter, PILP addresses the chairman of the Groningen Safety Region and the mayor of Westerwolde. They are summoned to immediately revoke the emergency ordinance in force there with the “tent […]

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Bangladeshi woman wins lawsuit over integration exam

An illiterate Bangladeshi woman whose family reunification application was rejected was vindicated by the Hague District Court on May 20, 2019, in her lawsuit against the government. Self-study packages The government developed special self-study packages, which enable citizenship candidates to prepare for the integration exam while abroad. According to the government, the woman neither passed […]

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human rights

Repeated call: Civic Foundation and PILP seek case study on integration policy

Civic Foundation and PILP are exploring legal action on integration policy. Its purpose is to improve the position and human rights of citizens of the Netherlands. For this purpose, we are looking for two specific cases: Citizens who have not passed their basic civics exam but would like to see the results. Family reunifiers who […]

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PILP and ASKV publish manual Stateless and undocumented people in immigration detention

In the Netherlands, more than 4,000 people are recognized stateless. In addition to recognized stateless persons, the Netherlands has thousands more whose nationality is still unknown. This group of undocumented migrants also includes many stateless people. Stateless people are an extremely vulnerable group. They have no nationality and thus are not recognized as their nationals […]

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