Security measures at universities: What is the university allowed to do? 27-02-2025
Over the past year, several media reported on (new) far-reaching security measures deployed by several Dutch universities. These include reports on the deployment of plainclothes security, (surreptitiously) checking bags, asking for and photographing IDs and student passes, and more. The PILP Foundation (“PILP”) receives many questions from students and staff at various universities about whether […]
Guide on Strategic Litigation to Combat Ethnic Profiling in the European Union
Guide on Strategic Litigation to Combat Ethnic Profiling in the European Union
Analysis ‘Directive for protests at universities’ in light of the right to protest in the Netherlands 24-09-2024
PILP analyzed the ‘Directive on Protests at Universities and Applied Sciences’ in the context of the right to demonstrate. Read our report here.
Consequences of participating in a demonstration for residence permits of international students and staff 02-09-2024
Exploring the impact of protest participation on the residence permits of international students and staff. Most cases won’t affect status, but exceptions exist.