Research sexism and the CEDAW

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June 25, 2015
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PILP, in collaboration with the Clara Wichmann Trial Fund, commissioned research on the application of the UN Women’s Rights Convention (CEDAW) in cases involving alleged sexism in public. This study was conducted by the PILPG.

From the PILPG’s first study, entitled ‘Sexism in advertising: international framework under the CEDAW, follows how CEDAW and the CEDAW Committee view sexist and stereotypical advertising and how they view the State’s role in this area.

From the second study, ‘Legal frameworks regarding sexism in advertising: comparison of national systems‘, it appears that many of the surrounding and surveyed countries, such as France, Germany and the United Kingdom, test advertisements not only on whether the advertisements violate morals, good taste and decency, but also on whether the advertisements are sexist or stereotypical within the meaning of Article 5(a) of the UN Women’s Rights Convention.

To learn more about PILP’s work on sexism and CEDAW, click here.

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