Islamophobia and surveillance – Mosque Al-Ansaar

Islamophobia and surveillance – Mosque Al-Ansaar

In the municipality of Delft, PILP is assisting the Al-Ansaar mosque. The mosque is claiming access to the NTA report and some other documents through a so-called “exhibits procedure”. This allows the mosque to request documents through the courts that are important for its evidentiary position in any subsequent proceedings. Read more about these proceedings against the municipality of Delft in this article in the AD and this article in the Volkskrant.

In een oogopslag

22 december 2023


Huidige status:

Op 22 november 2024 zal de zitting plaatsvinden bij de rechtbank Den Haag over de inzageprocedure van moskee Al-Ansaar

Rechtzaak Islamophobia and surveillance – Mosque Al-Ansaar

22 November 2024


On 22 November 2024, the hearing will take place at the District Court of The Hague on the inspection proceedings of mosque Al-Ansaar


22 December 2023


On 22 December 2023, PILP, together with Simmons &Simmons mosque Al-Ansaar, sued the municipality of Delft.



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