Hearing in lawsuit over Long Covid settlement for healthcare workers

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January 17, 2023
News items

In early 2023, unions FNV and CNV filed a lawsuit against the state to force financial relief for healthcare workers with Long Covid. PILP is acting as attorney for union FNV in this case.

On Friday, Feb. 17, 2023, at noon, the hearing will take place at the District Court of The Hague. The hearing can be followed online via this livestream.

The case involves healthcare workers who became infected with COVID-19 while working in 2020, now have Long Covid and have been unable to work less or at all for more than two years as a result. The unions believe the State should pay compensation to this group as soon as possible. These healthcare workers, who were on the front lines during the pandemic, are now facing major financial problems.

Although the minister has since announced plans to prepare a scheme to compensate part of the group, these plans are far too limited, according to FNV and CNV. Indeed, the announced rule – if it comes to pass – will only apply to healthcare workers who fell ill in the first three months of the pandemic. In this brief, the unions are targeting all healthcare workers who became ill in 2020 and have been disabled for at least two years.

Read more about this case hier en find a direct link to the subpoena here.

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