Fossielvrij Onderwijs and PILP file complaint against Shell’s misleading advertising

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May 2, 2019
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Op 2 mei 2019 heeft Fossielvrij Onderwijs, ondersteund door PILP, een klacht ingediend tegen Shell bij de Reclame Code Commissie. The complaint was about Shell’s advertising at the Generation Discover Festival, an event for elementary and junior high school children. The complaint alleges that Shell misrepresented GTL Fuel – liquefied natural gas – by touting it as a clean energy source, despite the fact that it is a fossil fuel. Also, the UN sustainable development goals were cited in the advertising but different, misleading, terms were used for that purpose.

This case involves various human rights and children’s rights. Serious environmental pollution affects the right to life and the right to respect for private and family life. At a time when climate change is at the center of many social discussions, it is in the public interest to pass judgment on advertising aimed at children with misleading environmental claims. Human rights lawyer and project officer of PILP Daun Hwang: ‘On the basis of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, children must be protected against surreptitious advertising of the kind at issue in this case. That treaty states that the best interests of the child must always come first.’ For these reasons, PILP decided to take up this case.

Read the Fossil-Free Education press release here.

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