‘Not Pregnant for Now’ project – appeal proceedings
With the GGD’s Now Not Pregnant project, “vulnerable women” are actively approached by social workers to talk about their desire to have children. The programme is only aimed at helping women who do not want to get pregnant, by providing contraception such as the “shot pill”. Women who do wish to have children are not supported from this project.
Proceedings won: government modifies controversial ‘Now Not Pregnant’ project
The Dutch government has imposed new obligations on the ‘Nu Niet Zwanger’ project. These obligations largely meet the demands of Bureau Clara Wichmann and the NJCM. With the GGD’s Nu Niet Zwanger project, “vulnerable people” (in practice, mostly women) are actively approached by social workers to talk about their desire to have children. The program […]
‘Not Pregnant For Now’ – project
With GGD’s Now Not Pregnant project, “vulnerable women” are actively approached by social workers to talk about their desire to have children. The program only aims to help women who do not want to become pregnant by providing contraception such as the “shot pill. Vulnerable women, in the context of this project, are women with […]