Royal Marechaussee taken to court for ethnic profiling
Wednesday, Feb. 26, 2020, the Dutch state will be subpoenaed for ethnic profiling by the Royal Military Police. The plaintiffs – two individual citizens, Amnesty International, Control Alt Delete, anti-discrimination agency RADAR and PILP – are asking the court to draw a line and end discriminatory border controls. The Royal Military Police is acting in […]
Ethnic profiling
Ethnic profiling involves the police checking people (partly) on the basis of their ethnicity without objective justification. Ethnic profiling leads to an impermissible form of discrimination and thus violates international human rights treaties.
Ethnic profiling – Royal Military Police
A coalition of civil organizations and citizens has summoned the Royal Marechaussee (KMar) to put an end to discriminatory border controls. On February 14, 2023, the Court of Appeal ruled that the KMar’s practices constitute a form of racial discrimination and prohibited them. Lawyers from PILP and Houthoff represented the coalition.