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June 7, 2018 summary judgment on Wiv implementation: claims dismissed

Today the judge issued a ruling in the summary proceedings brought by a coalition of lawyers, journalists, NGOs, IT companies and tech companies against the State over the Intelligence and Security Services Act (Wiv). The court (in its preliminary opinion) does not find the law to be decidedly non-binding. The coalition started this case because […]

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human rights

Podcast from the Correspondent on the PILP

Project coordinator of the PILP, Jelle Klaas, was recently interviewed by the Correspondent. On the Rudi & Freddie Show, he spoke about (socioeconomic) human rights, the rights of undocumented workers in the Netherlands, strategic litigation for human rights and PILP. It also discussed how the right to demonstrate is increasingly curtailed, and how human rights […]

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human rights

Podcast from the Correspondent on PILP

Project coordinator of the PILP, Jelle Klaas, was recently interviewed by the Correspondent. On the Rudi & Freddie Show, he spoke about (socioeconomic) human rights, the rights of undocumented workers in the Netherlands, strategic litigation for human rights and PILP. It also discussed how the right to demonstrate is increasingly curtailed, and how human rights […]

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PILP and ASKV publish manual Stateless and undocumented people in immigration detention

In the Netherlands, more than 4,000 people are recognized stateless. In addition to recognized stateless persons, the Netherlands has thousands more whose nationality is still unknown. This group of undocumented migrants also includes many stateless people. Stateless people are an extremely vulnerable group. They have no nationality and thus are not recognized as their nationals […]

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human rights

Research on ethnic profiling in the Netherlands, England and Wales

Utrecht University was commissioned by PILP to conduct research on ethnic profiling in the Netherlands, England and Wales. The study was conducted by Simone Vromen and is entitled: Ethnic profiling in the Netherlands and England and Wales: Compliance with international and European standards. Vromen concludes in her study that the broad discretionary power of police […]

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Appeal of demonstration law Hague won

In an important case on the right to demonstrate, the State Council upheld the appeal. The case involved a 2017 announced demonstration in The Hague by citizens who wanted to organize a short symbolic hunger strike in front of the Moroccan embassy. This in solidarity with Moroccan human rights activists. The organizers of the action […]

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Human Rights Board: central government discriminates against caravan dwellers

With its Judgment of May 1, 2017, the Human Rights Board ruled that the central government discriminates against caravan dwellers. In this case, PILP’s intervention played an important role. The case involved a complaint by a group of caravan dwellers about the Handbook the central government issued to municipalities in 2006. Indeed, with the decentralization […]

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Educational institutions and government do too little: discrimination and study dropout student mothers

Educational institutions and government are not doing enough to combat dropout and discrimination against student mothers and pregnant female students. This is according to the research report presented today at the Studying Mothers Conference. Pregnancy and motherhood is still too much seen as the students’ own choice, their own responsibility. It seems that the “eigen […]

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Formal maternity leave in mbo at last

Recently, the Minister of Education, Culture and Science announced that she will legislate a formal right to maternity leave for students in the mbo. The law will explicitly include maternity leave of up to 16 weeks as a reason for extended absences. According to Annemieke de Jong of the Steunpunt Studerende Moeders, this is a […]

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Another letter to Facebook after lack of official response

On January 21, 2016, Boekx lawyers, in collaboration with PILP and other advocacy organizations and two individual users of Facebook, wrote another letter to Facebook. The letter asks Facebook to publicly get involved in the political discussion between the United States and the European Union about privacy protection. Find the official press release from Boekx […]

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