Court allows ethnic profiling
This morning, the District Court of The Hague handed down its judgment in the case that PILP, together with Houthoff, filed on behalf of a coalition of civil society organizations and two nonwhite citizens against the Royal Military Police about ethnic profiling during MTV (Mobile Surveillance Security) checks. The court ruled that ethnicity may be […]
Amicus curiae by PILP on right to housing in lawsuits Two Woods neighborhood
PILP filed an amicus curiae, or opinion letter, with the Hague Court of Appeals. The letter addresses the application of the right to housing in lawsuits over evictions in Rotterdam’s Tweebos neighborhood. The letter explains what the right to housing means and how this human right permeates the Dutch legal system. It is important, according […]
PILP to court over rejection of Wob request on arms exports
The Minister of Foreign Affairs (BZ) has decided not to disclose any source of information about a license for arms exports to Egypt. This makes it impossible to review how this permit was arrived at, and whether sufficient weight was given to human rights. PILP therefore appealed to the court. PILP submitted a request last […]
Lawsuit over Ethnic Profiling in the Media
On June 15, 2021, the District Court of The Hague heard the case on ethnic profiling by the Royal Netherlands Military Constabulary (KMar). A coalition of citizens and civil society organizations took the state to court. The KMar’s current policy allows ethnicity to play a role in border controls. This leads to discrimination, which is […]
NJCM concerned about imposition of area bans on peaceful protesters
The NJCM, together with PILP, has prepared an Amicus Curiae/opinion letter to support proceedings on area bans at and after demonstrations. The NJCM argues that the (too frivolous) application of area bans puts pressure on the fundamental rights of demonstration and freedom of expression. An order of conduct in the form of a restraining order […]
PILP launches proceedings on access to information on arms exports
On Feb. 5, 2021, PILP initiated proceedings against the Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation (BHOS) over the right to access information about an arms export license to Egypt. The minister has not made public any document found while it should be according to law and human rights. Thus NGOs are denied access to […]
House of Representatives to act after landmark UN committee ruling on child statelessness in the Netherlands
Last week, the UN Human Rights Committee ruled that the Netherlands is not doing enough to ensure the right of children to a nationality. Within six months, the state must justify to the UN what actions have been taken to rectify this. To fulfill its obligations, the Lower House should amend the newly introduced bill […]
Case won: UN Human Rights Committee condemns Netherlands for violations around statelessness
On December 28, 2020, the UN Human Rights Committee issued a landmark ruling in the case of PILP and the Open Society Justice Initiative (OSJI) against the Netherlands regarding a child of unknown nationality, statelessness and the lack of a statelessness recognition procedure in the Netherlands. We will soon issue a press release from our […]
Case won: SyRI disabled
The plaintiffs and their lawyers in the SyRI case Today the court in The Hague ruled on the government’s use of the algorithm system SyRI (System Risk Indication). The judge ruled that the government must stop profiling citizens with large-scale data analysis to detect social security fraud. The Dutch are no longer “a priori suspects. […]
Watch event on lawsuit ethnic profiling back
In February 2020, two individual citizens of color, Amnesty International, Control Alt Delete, anti-discrimination agency RADAR and PILP filed a lawsuit against the Royal Military Police. They asked the court to end discriminatory border controls. On Oct. 7 at 8:30 p.m., the summons was scrutinized during an event. Anti-discrimination agency RADAR, Amnesty International and Mpanzu […]