Islamophobia and surveillance – Mosque Taubah

Islamophobia and surveillance – Mosque Taubah

For mosque Taubah (Veenendaal municipality), PILP first had the NTA report and other important documents seized by a bailiff with the court’s permission, due to fears of misappropriation. In subsequent summary proceedings (emergency proceedings), the attachment on the report was again lifted by the court, as the municipality is legally obliged to keep it. On the other documents, the seizure remained, as there is still a well-founded fear of misappropriation here.

The mosque then commenced proceedings on the merits, asking to see the report and the other documents via an exhibits request (see above). The mosque also holds the municipality of Veenendaal liable for wrongful acts towards it and its community because the NTA investigation infringed fundamental rights. Read more about these proceedings by mosque Taubah against the Veenendaal municipality in this news article.

In een oogopslag

21 April 2023


Huidige status:

On 26 June 2024, the Midden-Nederland District Court handed down its judgment in the incident, the exhibits case. The court ruled in favour of the mosque. The municipality must provide the mosque with documents. With regard to the NTA report, the court ruled that it is subject to legal secrecy. This is a weighty reason not to provide this document yet. An administrative judge can rule on secrecy.

Gerelateerde Documenten

Rechtzaak Islamophobia and surveillance – Mosque Taubah

26 June 2024

Midden-Nederland District Court handed down its judgment

On 26 June 2024, the Midden-Nederland District Court handed down its judgment in the incident, the exhibits case. The court ruled in favour of the mosque. The municipality must provide the mosque with documents. With regard to the NTA report, the court ruled that it is subject to legal secrecy. This is a weighty reason not to provide this document yet. An administrative judge can rule on secrecy.

Midden-Nederland District Court handed down its judgment

5 April 2024


On 5 April 2024, there was a hearing in the so-called exhibits proceedings: the proceedings to access and copy the NTA report and various other relevant documents


20 November 2023

Central Netherlands court ruling on the (partial) lifting of the attachment

On 20 November 2023, the Central District Court ruled on the (partial) lifting of the attachment (see further below). The court ruled that the attachment of the NTA report can be lifted because the municipality is obliged to keep it. On the other documents, the seizure remained, as there is still a well-founded fear of misappropriation here.

Central Netherlands court ruling on the (partial) lifting of the attachment

6 November 2023

Hearing on lifting

On 6 November 2023, there was a hearing in the interim injunction proceedings on lifting the attachment

Hearing on lifting

2 November 2023


On 2 November 2023, PILP, together with Simmons&Simmons, sued the Veenendaal municipality on behalf of mosque Taubah. These proceedings consist of two parts. The mosque asks to see the NTA report and some other documents. The mosque also holds the municipality of Veenendaal liable for unlawful conduct towards it and its community, because the NTA investigation infringed fundamental rights.


29 October 2023

Summary proceedings

On 29 October 2023, the Veenendaal municipality sued the Taubah mosque in summary proceedings to have the seizure of the NTA report and other documents lifted.

Summary proceedings

21 September 2023

Seizing NTA report

On 21 September 2023, the bailiff seized evidence of the NTA report and other key documents.

Seizing NTA report

24 April 2023

Permission attachment of evidence

On 24 April 2023, the Central District Court granted permission for the attachment of evidence.

Permission attachment of evidence

21 April 2023

Submission of petition

On 21 April 2023, Simmons&Simmons, together with PILP, filed a petition for a prejudgment attachment of evidence with the municipality of Veenendaal.

Submission of petition


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